Biomedical Imaging Center


A state-of-the-art Imaging Research Center dedicated to biomedical imaging research at the University of Texas at Austin

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The Biomedical Imaging Center (BIC) is an interdisciplinary, multimodal imaging facility that supports human and preclinical imaging research at the University of Texas and the wider community. The BIC spans 3 locations in the Norman Hackerman (NHB) and the Health Discovery (HDB) Buildings on the UT campus and hosts a range of systems for MRI, PET, CT and optical imaging. The Center accommodates both independent and assisted use (for human MRI and PET/CT) is on its instruments and provides in-house training in scanner safety and operation (for independent users). The facility also supports a range of task / response paradigms for functional MRI (fMRI) studies and provides back-end support for data archiving, management and common analyses.

COVID-19 Information

The BIC is currently following all recommendations set forth by the University of Texas at Austin administration. Up to date information can be found at Protect Texas Together including guidelines for Faculty, Students, Staff and Visitors.

Specific policies, protocols and forms for research at BIC during COVID-19 can be found at our Wiki.

BIC Citation Policy

Please support the mission of the BIC by acknowledging the use of our facility, equipment and resources using our unique research resource identifier number (RRID:SCR_021898). Citation by you will ensure the BIC is recognized as a key resource at UT Austin and will promote institutional support and future funding.

For example: “This work was performed with the support of the Biomedical Imaging Center (RRID:SCR_021898), a core facility within the Center for Biomedical Research Support at the University of Texas at Austin.”


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