
Proteomics Facility

The Proteomics Facility will continue accepting and processing samples but the lab will remain locked.

MBB 1.420 lab access requires advance notification and scheduling, contact the lab at 512-471-2895 or, this requirement includes dropping off samples or use of equipment and computers.

Wear gloves before entering the lab, sign in and sign out is required.

Consultations will be held by phone or teleconference.

In-service Day

Most CBRS cores and facilities will have a in-service day today to get processes in line with the VPR’s guidance for research operations at UT. We hope to be operating within the new parameters tomorrow Tuesday March 17. The STEM store is open today 9am to 1pm. The BioResCo and Electronics Services are operating.


The new MALDI is available for self-service usage after training. It has been used locally to detect peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides, chemicals and polymers. Contact Ian Riddington at for training on chemicals or polymers, and contact Michelle Gadush at for training for peptides and proteins.


The QExactive is now available for untargeted metabolomics experiments with data analysis using Compound Discoverer.

Name Change

Our name is changing from Proteomics to Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility as we have now added metabolomics services and instrumentation to the facility.

Grant Application Assistance

For professors without any active grant funding, we have a pilot program to support their obtaining new data for grant applications. They can apply for funds to be spent at the Proteomics Facility. Please contact Maria Person at for more information. Note that if the professor has grant funding for any project, proteomics related or not, they will not qualify for this program.